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Category: Articles

Longer articles which express an opinion or comment on research or illustrate the benefits of using Measureology.

Do Our Beliefs Change Risks?

Ask a psychologist or a Bayesian statistician and they will tell you that risk is subjective. The chance of a big bad thing happening is seen through the lens of the individual, fashioned from their personal experiences and lodged in their mental models. See more

Seeking Serendipity

Serendipity is finding something valuable by chance, a fortuitous discovery. Serendipity in business could mean tripping over the next Google by accident. Or spotting an opportunity you weren’t looking for in a corporate blind spot. See more

Knockout KPIs

KPIs should give a team the feedback they need to drive performance towards some important strategic goal. So why is it that KPIs are so often a bit lightweight?
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The seat of the pants

In his brilliant book ‘The Flaw of Averages: Why We Underestimate Risk in the Face of Uncertainty’ Dr Sam Savage shows us why we need to connect the ‘seat of the intellect to the seat of the pants’. See more